April 24, 2024

Muckey Landing is BACK!

Muckey Landing is BACK!

Regular listeners of Muckey Landing have probably been curious about why we stopped producing new episodes a year and a half ago. Well, we’re finally back, but an awful lot has happened since then, and I want to let you know what's been going on. 

When we finished our Christmas bonus episode in December 2022, I had already planned on taking a couple of months off from writing and producing Muckey Landing. In addition to the time it takes to write and record a single episode, there's a lot of pressure that goes into coming up with a plot, writing the script, contacting actors, coordinating timelines, setting up recording sessions, maintaining this website, and publicizing the show. I needed a break. 

So I was cruising along and enjoying my time off for about three months longer than I'd actually intended, when we came up against something we’d never foreseen. My husband Mike, who plays Virgil Slatter and is also our sound guy, suddenly became seriously ill and was hospitalized for most of the month of May last year. The problem turned out to be vasculitis, an autoimmune disorder caused by a common medication that he’d been taking for a few years. 

Mike was on dialysis for several months; he’s off now and recovering, but he doesn’t have a lot of stamina, which means that when you hear the new episode that we’ll be dropping in a few weeks, it may seem that Virgil sounds a little different. Fortunately, Mike’s getting better all the time, and we’re crossing our fingers that he’ll make a full recovery, although it may be another year before we have the full story on that. 

And that’s about as serious as we’re ever going to get here in Muckey Landing. We thank you all for your support and look forward to entertaining you again with our own comic take on the great state of Delaware!