Muckey Landing

Steve Caporiccio

Dec. 3, 2022

The Bologna Connection

When Muckey Landing's newest residents make them "an offer they can't refuse," Harmon and Virgil have a choice: either run afoul of the mob, or stir up possibly deadly trouble with the local Amish.
Sept. 23, 2022

Bloopers — Lox, Socks and Two Smoked Bolognas

Bruce Leister and Mike Polo, of course, are regulars in our blooper reels; they're aided in this recording session from "Locks, Socks, and Two Smoked Bolognas by John Zinzi (Nick Costello) and Steve Caporiccio (Sal Bambino).…
Sept. 2, 2022

Lox, Socks, and Two Smoked Bolognas

When a couple of new Muckey Landing residents show up at the Market, Diner and Hardware Emporium with strange accents and a suspicious shopping list, Harmon jumps to all sorts of conclusions. Cast and CrewVirgil Slatter - Mi…